
webquest :Festivals


Think about the most important festivals that take place in your country every year. How interesting would it be for secondary school students to make a trip to a famous festival? Consider things like cultural interest, linguistic experience, good effects on school life and good effects on their educational curricula.


1.You will present information to bid for a contract for the oganization of a school trip to either Pamplona, for the bullfighting festival, London, for Notting Hill Carnival or Athens, for the Arts festival.Then discuss and decide on the best bid.2.Write a letter to the school saying that their decision was fair or unfair and explaining why you think so.


  • You will work in pairs.
  • Each pair is going to represent a different tour operator offering school trips to famous festivals.
  • Each tour operator will give a sales presentation based on the information they have gathered from different websites.
  • The aim is to offer the most interesting trip for the school to subsidize.


The following websites might be  


The following items will be evaluated:
  • Information gathering
  • Data organization
  • Oral presentation
  • Writing task


By working on this webquest you have learnt to select and present information. You have worked with language in context and have had the chance to practice it orally . Finally you have done some consolidation work by writing a letter in which you have been able to include the language seen.Hopefully you have also become more autonomous in youryour learning!

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